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Pastor Barry L. Ginyard, Jr.

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The Ginyard family is a family that God has truly favored.  Barry L. Ginyard, Jr. is a shining example of that divine favor.  He was born in Washington DC on September 5, 1973, becoming the third of five children.  Barry has a heritage that is steeped in the church.  He is a fourth generation COGIC preacher and third generation COGIC pastor.  The Lord has not only anointed him to preach the gospel, but he is also accomplished in music.  As a preacher, gifted singer, song writer, and musician, Barry has served in total ministry for nearly 40 years. 


From his youth Barry was obviously talented, but he was very disinclined to publicly display his gifts.  However, when he was 11 years old his parents, Supt. B.L. Ginyard, Sr. and Missionary E. Karlene Ginyard, opened Refreshing Spring Tabernacle COGIC.  With this new family endeavor many hidden talents that Barry possessed were realized.  God had given him a keen business sense and wisdom beyond his years.  As he got older,


he slowly began to express his musical talents publicly.  Later, while attending Mumford Senior High School, he shed his inhibitions completely and joined a singing group.          

During the summer of 1991 Barry moved back to the Washington DC area to further his education.  It was at this time that the Lord really began to show up in his life.  After only a few days in town the Lord aligned him with Capital Temple COGIC, under the leadership of the late Elder Quentin R. McCrimmon.  There Barry served as the church organist.  Under Pastor McCrimmon’s watchful eye, Barry grew into manhood.  This signaled not only natural progression but also spiritual maturation.  After a powerful service on Sunday night, February 9, 1992, Barry came to know the Lord Jesus personally and was later filled with the Holy Ghost. 

On September 6, 1992, Verna Jacobs, from Los Angeles CA, visited Capital Temple. The Lord told Barry she was to be his wife.  They dated, were married on September 10, 1994, and now have 4 beautiful children (Michael, Ariel, Barry III, and Jalen).  The Lord’s favor followed Barry and Verna, and as they moved back to Michigan, He blessed them incredibly.  God ushered them both up the ranks in corporate America.  As a result, Barry has held many leadership roles in both the corporate sector and in the church.​


Around 3:20 AM, on August 4, 1998, Barry was suddenly awakened by a crystal-clear voice that uttered only one word, “Preach.”  He recognized this to be the voice of God.  He immediately got up and went to pray, seeking to hear more.  However, while in prayer God didn’t speak any further.  Reluctant to make such a major spiritual move he felt he wasn’t ready for; Barry ignored this call to ministry.

In God’s grace, a solid year passed without incident.  Then in August of 1999 the Lord spoke again, this time through his father.  Supt. Ginyard announced he would be taking Barry’s

younger sister off to college and would miss Sunday morning service.  He went on to say, “I was prayerfully considering whom to have cover the pulpit when God spoke and said Barry Jr.”  Although Barry did cover his dad’s pulpit, and the Lord blessed that day, it wasn’t until late September that he officially accepted the call to the ministry.

On Sunday night November 21, 1999, Barry used “Problems, Questions, and Answers” as the title and St. John 14:1-6 as the scripture text of his first official sermon.  The power of the Lord fell and blessed the house.  While preaching in different parts of the country, God’s anointing has matured in Barry.  As a result of his ministry many souls have been added to the kingdom.

Everywhere Barry goes people, both young and old, are drawn to him because of his God-given wisdom and compassionate delivery.  He has preached to, counseled, and advised many men and women with a practical approach and sound biblical understanding.  God chose to, once again, charge Barry with ministerial work.  On August 11, 2002, he was elevated to the office of Elder in the Church of God in Christ and ordained by the late Bishop Walter E. Bogan, Sr.  Elder Ginyard served in the Great Lakes First Jurisdiction under Bishop Bogan in many capacities, including Adjutant to the Bishop, Sunday School Superintendent of the Dunamis District, and Secretary for the General Council of Pastors & Elders.  God told Elder Ginyard that he would in due time pastor, led him to Jeremiah 31:33 (also Hebrews 8:10), and gave him the name True Covenant Church.


But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.”

Jeremiah 31:33 (KJV)

By now fully familiar with the voice of the Lord, Elder Ginyard heard the phrase “…now is your time of preparation.”  While in prayer the complete

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understanding of this phrase was understood.  With a preparatory lead time of 18 months, Elder Ginyard accepted this call to pastor.  On Sunday, June 1, 2008, Elder Ginyard stood, like Peter, on a solid foundation of faith that prompted Jesus to say, “…upon this rock I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it.”  In accordance with Jeremiah 31:33 and Hebrews 8:10, Pastor Ginyard declared that True Covenant Church of God in Christ is and will forever be, “God’s church, and God’s people!”  Later he was officially installed as Pastor on April 25, 2010, by the late Bishop Clifford Caleb Dunlap.


Today, Pastor Ginyard continues to serve and hold several different titles, both secular and ecumenical.  He is the Founding Pastor of True Covenant Church of God in Christ.  He is the President and CEO of Covenant Property Investment Group, LLC, as well as Thumbs Up Graphics.  He is also the Superintendent of the Rehoboth District, the Jurisdictional Executive Secretary, and the Director of Public Relations for the Michigan Great Lakes First Jurisdiction, under the leadership of Bishop Michael E. Hill, Sr.  However, the titles he is most proud of are that of husband of one wife for more than 30 years, proud father of four, grandfather of one, and Servant of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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