Our Church History
About US
Gifted, faithful, and effective are three adjectives that have been used to describe our pastor, Elder Barry L. Ginyard, Jr. Though very shy in his youth it was apparent, even at an early age, the hand of the Lord was on his life. After receiving the call of the Lord to carry the gospel on August 4, 1998, he began a journey towards destiny on which he would come to embody the Hebrews 10:38 notation, “…the just shall live by faith.”
At three different times, April 6, 2002, October 7, 2005, and May 20, 2007, Pastor Ginyard was told by the Lord the mantle of pastoral ministry was on him. Finally, on May 20, 2007, he accepted the call. In October 2007 Pastor Ginyard was enjoying a successful managerial career with Johnson Controls, Inc. when the Lord called him off his job. The Lord reminded him of His words in Matthew 20:4, “…Go ye also into the vineyard, and whatsoever is right I will give you.” He showed his commitment to living by faith and his trust in the Lord by agreeing to go into full-time ministry.
The Lord then led him to a small lodge on Northwestern Highway and Telegraph called Marvin’s Garden Inn. In this place God showed Pastor Ginyard the possibilities. What looked like a large meeting and conference room he saw as a sanctuary ready for worship. On Sunday, June 1, 2008, Pastor Ginyard along with his wife, Evangelist Verna Ginyard and their children became the founding members of True Covenant Church. The doors of the church were opened to the public for the first time.
Our Opening Day Service was like most, spirits were high, attendance was decent, and financially we were blessed. However, this young congregation was not unaware of the possibility of some lean days ahead. In fact, their lean days came the very next Sunday. June 8th and 15th Pastor Ginyard and his family came to church and worshiped alone. However, unmoved by what they saw they praised and worshiped God, Pastor preached, and service was conducted as if the house was full. God smiled on their efforts and began sending in visitors. To date, June 15, 2008, was the very last Sunday the first family worshiped alone.
Sunday, July 20, 2008, was a milestone in the history of True Covenant Church. After the message God lead Pastor Ginyard to open the doors of the church. He did and Ms. Katteeva James and her four children (Tiana, Ryhen, Andrew, and Mycah) joined the church. They became the first members of the church outside the first family. Later on Sunday, August 17, 2008, the church grew again. Ms. Via Tye, Ms. Alicia Bryant, and Mrs. Tresyne Johnson and her four children (Kenneth Jr., Kaela, Kamryn, and Kristen) all joined True Covenant Church, and Alicia gave her heart to the Lord. In just over two months the church had tripled its membership.
Well on our way to what God called us to be we continued to grow and our mind for ministry also expanded. The future looked very bright for Pastor Ginyard and his new ministry. The church experienced sustained growth, launched many ministerial programs, and enjoyed financial blessings in line with God’s word. As a result, Pastor Ginyard began to look for a new place to worship. On April 9, 2009, after leaving Bible Study at the Park Geriatric Nursing Home a building in Redford he had seen several months earlier dropped in his spirit. He drove by and as pulled up a realtor was entering the building to show it to another prospective buyer. Pastor Ginyard was able to get inside and once again he saw the possibilities. He submitted an offer and the next day the owners took the building off the market. Confused but unshaken, Pastor Ginyard believed that God had chosen this place for True Covenant Church and was determined to stand in faith.
In the midst of the blessings of God a spirit of contentment began to creep in the church. God then put it on Pastor Ginyard’s heart to stir the church and take it to another level. In September 2009, he announced to the church they were going to be “Shifting Gears” and going higher. Seemingly in line with that feeling, God sent a financial blessing to the church. Pastor first believed this was going to the money they would use to secure their building. He admonished everyone to hold on tight because he felt the transition was going to be sudden and significant. This declaration proved to be the prophetic.
Over the next few weeks 80% of the church membership suddenly walked away. No one said why they just left. Not willing to take down Pastor Ginyard held fast to the faith in his calling. The Lord smiled on him and, as He had done in times past, revealed why He had sent the financial blessing the weeks prior. It was to sustain them through their period of testing.
As November approached God put the Redford building back in Pastor Ginyard’s spirit. He then led him to draft a new offer letter. Even with only 20% of the church active He obeyed the leading of the Lord, drafted a new offer, and mailed it. With no answer to his new offer the letter began to drift out of his mind. Then on December 24, 2009 after more than a month of silence the phone rang. It was the owners of the Redford building. They asked if Pastor was still interested in the building, he said yes, and things looked promising. However, like they did nine months earlier, once again they changed their minds.
Sensing the hand of the enemy Pastor Ginyard sought God and was led to Genesis 26:22. He preached from that text on Sunday, January 10, 2010, and told the church, “…He’s made room for us so, we must dig again.” This event marked in the heart and mind of the remaining members the beginning of something great. Pastor Ginyard asked the Lord daily for direction and how to “…dig again.” Then after getting up from prayer on Tuesday January 19, 2010, he got his answer. Once again God was requiring him to live by faith. God told Pastor Ginyard to give his notice to leave Marvin’s Garden Inn. Like Abraham in Genesis 12, Pastor Ginyard put in his notice without the assurance from the owners that they would sell.
On Friday, January 22, 2010, Pastor Ginyard called a special meeting with his newly formed leadership team, a group he calls “The 20 Percenters” and gave them the plan God gave him. They were to give notice to be out by February 28, 2010, raise $10K by February 21, 2010, and leave the rest to God. “The 20 Percenters” bought in fully, and God did what man could not. As a result, we were in our new building, the church was experiencing tremendous growth, and it was obvious that “…the hand of the Lord hath done this.”